Useful links & useful tools

Online resources and tools mentioned in the materials of the project:


  • IDEA: Grundtvig project offering material to teach languages for senior citizens in an intercultural context.
  • CULTURAL MIRRORS: Grundtvig partnership with various material on  “cultural habits” (festivities, dances, handicrafts, ) to be used in language classes.
  • RECREATION: Grundtvig partnership with lessons using cartoons and comics to describe emotions, feelings or situations, political matters, sport- and cultural events  in a universally comprehensible way. 
  • Grundtvig partnership with materials for language teaching.
  • Memory Boxes: The project takes reference to cultural values of the past and collects memories related to senses to be compared in cross cultural exchanges


  • BITSTRIPS: online comic creator to create strips with own cartoon characters or use one from a bank of pre-made cartoons.
  • BLENDER: free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
  • BRAINSHARK: With Brainshark you can easily transform static content such as PowerPoint® documents into voice-enriched video presentations that can be accessed anytime, on-demand...and tracked so you can measure the effectiveness of your communications.
  • GLOGSTER: Glogster is a social network based on the creation and sharing of Glogs - interactive posters loaded with text, graphics, music, videos and much more. Glogster empowers with a space to express the emotions, ideas, and knowledge online.
  • GO!ANIMATE: Useful tools to create videos for free, animate lessons for your class, make an explaining videos etc.
  • ISSUU: online service that allows for realistic and customizable viewing of digitally uploaded material, such as portfolios, books, magazine issues, newspapers, and other print media.
  • POWTOON: PowToon is the Do-It-Yourself animated presentation tool that supercharges your presentations and videos! Save massive amounts of time and money by creating Powtoons that bring the WOW!-factor to product demos, business presentations, social media clips, and much more.
  • PREZI: cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas on a virtual canvas.
  • SCREENR: Screenr is a web-based screen recorder that will help you to create and share your screencasts around the web.
  • WEEBLY: Weebly enables easily to create personal sites and blogs or establish web presences for classrooms, businesses, artistic portfolios and much more. It helps to put the information online quickly and easily.







About Our project

VISUALISATION is a two year (2011-2013) Grundtvig Learning Partnership project involving partners from Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and Switzerland cooperating with the aims of creating and implementing language teaching methodologies in adult education.

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visitors since 23/11/2012:

This project is funded with support from the European Commission. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.