Visualisation Grundtvig - Collection of Possible tools

1. Postcards
2. Flash cards
3. Speech bubbles
4. Posters
5. Cartoon strips
6. Films/videos/clips
7. Paintings
8. Pictures (also familiar to learners, related to the interests of learners)
9. Flip charts/all kinds of boards
10. Pictograms
11. Scrap books
12. Photographs
13. Layouts
14. Illustrations
15. Diagrams/statistics/figures
16. Story boards
17. Doodles
18. Scribbles
19. Mind maps/spider grams
20. Drawings/sketches
21. Socio-metric exercises
22. Power point
23. Gestures/miming/pantomime
24. Slides
25. Charades
26. Colours
27. Dances
28. Lap books (=interactive books)
29. Food
30. Objects/materials/forms
31. Dramatisation/acting
32. Planking
33. Flash mob

About Our project

VISUALISATION is a two year (2011-2013) Grundtvig Learning Partnership project involving partners from Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and Switzerland cooperating with the aims of creating and implementing language teaching methodologies in adult education.

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visitors since 23/11/2012:

This project is funded with support from the European Commission. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.